Sunday 27 September 2015

Tommy's lowdown on the Goalie Gear store

Leading the charge in brick and mortar outfitters of goalkeeping kit (with the idea of a tailor fit rather than buying from shop style approach), Tommy Alexander has set up a goalie specific branch of equipment stores in Woking. After hints and teasers about the store's revealing, Tommy got a few famous to join him in its unveiling and start upon its way. A way forward in many ways for the future generations of our local hockey goalies.

And with the season starting and time being even more precious, I managed to convince him to answer a few questions on his imagining for a goalie store:

 An "in action" photo of Tommy in store!

Where did the idea for a specialist goalkeeping store come from?
The idea span off in two parts. Firstly from a trip to Holland. A few members of The Hockey Centre staff were out watching the EHL in Bloemendaal. We went to a few hockey stores to see how different it was shopping for hockey equipment in Holland.
I took a personal interest in the goalie equipment. It was clear that having stock in the leading brands was vital. Enough space to try goalie gear on (as people aren’t going to buy a new brand online if they haven’t worn it).
What I like about the hockey centre is all the staff our hockey players and are hockey geeks. Which offers excellent customer service. So I wanted to extend that to goalies. I’m not shy to say I’ve played in lots of different goalie brands and have been involved with kit design. So I can offer plenty of goalie knowledge to the store.
The second part was a few items of my kit were too big and I could only make a certain amount of alterations but needed professional help. A friend of mine is a very good tailor in Eton. So I booked in as if I was getting a custom suit, but got all by fabric altered on my body protection and thought this concept could work instore. Hence the tailor influence.

What was the reason/catalyst to push it forward?
The two aspects that are fundamental from a kit point of view is safety and performance.
Goalie Pads must fit correctly to ensure the goalie can move as well as possible not to just save the ball but make sure the goalie isn’t a sitting duck which can be extremely dangerous.
Considering the access we have to Goalie equipment from all the brands it seem silly we weren’t a destination for goalies. A market which is very niche and specialised. So much so, that is why we decided to launch separately. Goalie Gear is run by goalies for goalies.  
It took a lot of time and effort to plan and transform the shop. Removing walls, rebuilding shelfs, putting up slat walls. With the staff already in store with lots of late nights we managed to open in time for launch.

It’s very unique in the UK; do you see this growing and more brick and mortar stores expanding out?
I see goalie gear moving to a bigger site that can hold even more stock than already. I think we can expand to other hockey parts of the UK but I see the next stage for Goalie Gear as ‘on the road,’ offering a combination of coaching and sample kits for schools and clubs to try. Making sure the kit suits the required goalies.  

The shop offers the buyer the opportunity to get a made-to-measure kit, how understated is this importance for youngsters in the sport?
Young goalies need to have an enjoyable start to their career to enable them to continue. Pads that are too big and heavy already limit agility and technique. When these attributes are limited so is safety. Safety and performance are key to any goalies happiness and even more so for youngsters. 

Other sports have goalie specific stores, was there any inspiration for following this up in our sport?
Not really if I’m honest. From personal experience, the only way I’ve managed to test kits is by borrowing other goalies pads. So having access to the leading brands in all sizes was more an inspiration. 

Do you think it coincides with the popularity and attention towards hockey growing?
I certainly hope so. The sport is getting more coverage than before so the demand of goalie equipment is higher, so it’s a good time to start Goalie Gear.
I also want goalie gear to be seen by players in other sports. I was a very keen football goalie, but the goals kept getting bigger and I didn’t. So when I was introduced to hockey at school and saw the bright pads and the ability to dive and slide I was sold. I think this is the same for other goalies in different sports. 

What are your plans for Goalie Gear going forward?
It’s a new business and we are testing the market at the moment. But if all goes to plan as we expect, it will be to move to a bigger store. Containing more stock and to have more goalie tailors available to do mobile fittings for schools and clubs.

And where do you see this in 10 years?!!
I see goalie gear as the UK and Europe’s leading goalkeeping specialist. Having another couple of stores in the UK and having goalie gear running the goalie section in Europe’s already established retailers    

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