Sunday, 10 November 2013

Rob Turner: Bowdon's rock in goal

One of the North conference's key stalwarts "in between the posts", is Rob Turner, who has been at Bowdon for quite some time now. For me, he's the reason why Bowdon have stood a chance of bouncing back to the Premier League after their demotion the season before last (with them being pipped at the post at the last game of the season, against Sheffield this season gone) and being in the top flight for so long regardless. Without him, they would definitely struggle and his level of consistency has often gone ignored and under rated. Among other achievements, he has been in the England training squad (I read it somewhere at least, not sure about confirming!) as well as having previously taken part in the GB Super Leagues.

Turner with his unorthodox crouching stance playing for Bowdon against EG a few seasons ago.

About three or four seasons ago, Jamie Cachia joined Bowdon and featured in a few cup games, with Turner holding onto the starting spot; Cachia has obviously now found home at Sheffield Hallam where he has gone from strength to strength, but being a junior international did little to oust him from the coaching staff's assurance. But performances speak for themselves, and like a deeply rooted tree in strong weather, he has been as steady as a rock for quite some time now. He doesn't always appear to make those awe inspiring saves, but does not look out of place. Although the odd clanger, mainly in situations against strong drag flickers with a good level of deception (going the wrong way here: link), he has maintained a strong level of consistency throughout his career. Having decided not to "hang up the pads" just yet, Bowdon will be looking for a replacement soon though as this might be his last for their first eleven (although conjecture at this point!).

Equipment wise, he uses the Mercian body armour (or at least, shoulder pads) and favours the Obo fatboy goalkeeping stick for weight of clearnace/balance. Prefering to thin down arm protection, he is the only goalie in the English national league to use lacrosse elbow pads (perhaps even the only goalkeeper in the English system to do so), and sometimes uses the inner part of Obo's current elbow pad design to offer some protection to the inner arm at least. He also has a habit of switching between the tube style Obo hi control and larger blocking profile Obo hi rebound rhp over seasons, with what seems like a habitual season lasting changeover from time to time!

And style wise, he has an interesting lowered stance, almost a crouch, when faced with screens. Although he isn't the tallest goalkeeper around, he doesn't seem to be greatly affected by height when athletically diving high.

Nevertheless, he will be a talent that Bowdon will surely miss when his playing days are finally over.

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