Sunday, 10 November 2013

Chris Scott giving Brooklands more than a fighting chance

Having taken over from Lee Ible (Welsh international) at Brooklands MU, the young Chris Scott has been making a good enough impression "in between the sticks" even if he hasn't set the league alight. With competition for the Premier League starting to hot up and English hockey refinding its form, Brooklands are not the same side they were, but are still challenging to win the league in the North division of the national domestic competition. Making the most of his size as one of the taller goalkeepers in the league, he covers a lot of goal. A young goalkeeper, it may be a while into he gets in tune with the position at this level, but has shown strong fundamentals so far. Kit wise Chris favours the tube style hi-control rhp and wears ice hockey elbow pads on both arms.

Ible in his playing days for Brooklands in an away game against East Grinstead.

You can watch him in the clip below in a goalie duel between himself and Jamie Cachia of Sheffield Hallam before their promotions:

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