Thursday, 21 May 2015

Vanasch wins EHL in first season with OZ

When Vincent Vanasch signed with Oranje Zwart last off-season, I had kind of expected him to push on with the club as he looked to take his game to the next level, but didn't fully expect the result to be that of instant success in the Euro Hockey League. The Belgian international has been impressing on the global circuit as the Red Dragons look to dominate the global circuit, but even elite players need to push themselves onto the next level. And nothing against the Belgian league, but the chance to play in the Hoofdklasse is treated as the benchmark standard for many a top player. And Vanasch was smart enough to take the chance to move geographically to give his career a chance to step into over drive.

Whilst I haven't found any decent footage to do a style analysis, there is a lot to say about ambition, drive and thirsting for improvement. The harder you work, the harder that you push yourself, the better you will get. It's pretty clear that Vanasch didn't go to Holland halfheartedly and seized the opporunity and made the most of it.

That's true of anything in life really; everyone has to start somewhere and desire breeds passion and self motivation which in turn help you improve and to go onto great success. Even the elite need to want to be there (especially so), so go out and use that drive to get way ahead of the game now the season is over, getting fit and prepped for the upcoming season!

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