Saturday, 22 March 2014

Still no sight of Neusser...

Having attended the East Grinstead game last Sunday, it still seems to be a case of Neusser not being around for 1's fixtures. In all random relatedness, it seems more like a sort of trying to sight the-lesser-spotted-Neusser, with him not even benching. Even when Hamish Coates signed with Hampstead last season he was benching. Not being around the set-up to know much about training sessions and if he has been there to push Potton at training, but with the Sussex side back on scoring form they don't need their goalkeeper to be lights out when they can simply steamroller teams through offensive power. Who knows if the idea was to put psychological pressure on Potton to see him play better (and rank it up a notch), but from an external perspective seems rather random. I will get round to finally posting up analysis of if he would have what it takes to play at this level, but due to ill physical health of late (it's like flu but not flu and still waiting for the doctor's to work it out!) haven't managed to get round to it yet.

East Grinstead already had their young benching goalkeeper Jack Edgerton playing 2s to gain playing experience, with the 3s withdrawn from the London Higgins League, so seems a little strange to make this level of commitment without involving him in games.

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