Friday, 28 March 2014

P1 rhp sightings

Whilst the P1 TK kit has been seen getting use in the Hoofdklasse and a few goalkeepers in Germany's Bundesliga to be using them in the near future, there has also been sightings of the black coloured P1 rhp being used by a few goalkeepers at the highest levels of hockey across the globe. Canada women's first choice Lauren Lagoush has made the switch to the design very recently, especially giving a good test in friendly internationals against America in their newly built hockey dome (a great idea for playing hockey in the snow season!). Belgium's second choice and Daring goalkeeper Jeremy Gucasoff has been using the new design, changing over from his old red rhp (of the same design, just without the D3O additions). As can be seen in this clip:

Interesting to consider that it's just the rhp that has been changed during the season, rather than the whole kit, although the P1 range is arguably still awaiting full release, which could be an issue even for TK sponsored goalies! And of course remembering the time required for adjusting to new kit, although elite goalkeepers would be expected to be able to do so more quickly due to elite skills and muscle memory.

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