Sunday, 1 December 2013

Pinnegar using Mazon elbows

There aren't exactly too many English goalkeepers using them throughout the leagues and national league, so it's a little interesting (kit nerd, goalie obsessive wise anyhoo!) to see Tom Pinnegar wearing Mazon elbow pads. The England U21's goalkeeper, who is backing up Harry Gibson at the upcoming Junior World Cup, with Stubbings having fallen out of favour, has been using elbow pads for quite a while, although was in Obo ones before that. With Monarch not currently making their own elbow pads yet, it's a bespoke scenario a lot like when Brothers was sponsored by Mercian in his playing days. Popular in Australia and in Belgium as mentioned previously, it'll be interesting to see how much they catch on (or not as the case may be!) given the options for movement and flexibility that they give us goalkeepers.

Anyways, you can see him in action wearing them here, noticable from the padding around the arm and none on the inside of the elbow:

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