Thursday, 26 December 2013

Mercian releasing indoor pad covers?!

Quite old news/rumour wise now, but Jamie Legg was trialling some indoor pad covers which seemed to be prototypes for a design said to be potentially produced by Mercian in his time playing indoor with Reading. I think they were from last season. Either way, it would be good to see another company producing pad covers. Although not many goalkeepers swear by them, I think they would offer less restricted movement when sliding, an important feature in indoor whether closing down an attacker on through or charging a short corner, and only Verbunt stock them as far as I know, with Brabo producing them. A lot of goalkeepers make their own makeshift covers out of pillow covers for the short indoor season, but it would be good for a British company to produce them as well as help push more coverage of the indoor leagues in the country, helping with development a lot like the German system.

Monarch also seemed to have produced some for George Pinner last season, as he made the switch to their sponsorship (helping cover up his mainly-still-Mercian-gear at the time!).

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