Monday, 25 November 2013

Isca switching it up at the back

With the vast majority of teams sorted goalkeeper wise, Isca seem to be unsure as to who to start in goal for them. With the English routine of an incumbent and youngster around just in case, it's always interesting when something crops up that bucks that trend. Isca won promotion with their own talented young goalkeeper (who I can't identify and maybe went to uni, edit = don't know?!), only to replace him with a more experienced starter (pictured below, with the old school vibe going on!) who started their first few games. And as far as I know, Rich Hancocks came in and replaced him as starter. So that's a few changes going on that the defence have to get used to! With Guildford looking to be relegated with certainty, Isca will battle for the relegation playoff spot, playing tight defensively to give them a fighting shot. With a more experienced and communicative starter this should be easier than with the weight of expectations on a goalkeeper with less talent/experience.

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