Sunday, 10 November 2013

Gucasoff switches to Obo elbow pad

Not exactly another groundbreaking (or not as the case may be!) equipment sighting, but it's noticable that Belgian goalkeeper Gucasoff has changed up his arm padding again, moving to the current Obo elbow pad design.

Gucasoff has gone from a "Dutch" approach (with no arm padding at all for maximum movement at the arms possible for those reflex glove saves etc.) playing for Brucelles, as seen here:

And played like this as he was involved in the international set-up in the build-up to the London Olympic games:

And then moved to an elbow pad on the right arm only, which he moved to in the latter point of last season, wearing a Mazon elbow pad (which seem quite popular in Belgium interestingly, though they're made by an Australian company!):

And is now wearing the Obo elbow pad, again, still just on the right, with the left unpadded for more freedom getting across uninhibited by padding, as seems to be the most popular kit style in Belgium:

The Obo pad gives more padding at the inner and outer elbow, with more padding at the elbow joint, giving more substantial protection, which is important, from protecting against shots to these areas, which could be disastrous for the goalkeeper in question.

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