Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Bahia switches to Richmond

Very late on this one, but looks like Indian Gym's Bahia has made the move to Richmond (not far down the road travel wise I guess!). Given the move of Richmond's second choice to Reading, and Richmond picking up Jamie Legg from the Berkshire side, Richmond needed to bring in cover or bump up one of their club goalkeepers to assist with their first eleven. Not exactly groundbreaking coverage, but all the same shows the moves between teams at national league level, much like you'd get in football or ice hockey transfers with more career back-up guys around for support. 

You can see him in action for his new team here (can't seem to merge the Youtube link), where he seems to play a very "old school" stance and approach which is a little odd for this level at the Prem league of the London divisions:

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