Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Mason goes retro...

Kit wise that is (as Mason's style is pretty old school, but works and makes him difficult to beat as hard to read how he'll react, so can't see there's any problem with that!)!

Another loose connection gear sighting wise for the season, is with Guildford's well known starter and ex-Olympian veteran Simon Mason, who has changed his set-up for the new season. I managed to get along to their home game this weekend to have a look see. Mase has gone for white pads and kickers over the traditional Mercian blue he normally wears. The umpiring/ruling body has forgone the limitations on colour, with white having been removed from possibilities, with goalies around the national league now able to wear white again!

Apparently the set is a one-off set just for him, with the foam based on the Academy mould but to a protection level and foam density of the Xtreme range. But it's fun just to see more goalies with differing gear styles to add a little colour/flavour (whatever's a better metaphorical analogy?!!) to the league as an observer and goalie geek.

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