Friday 11 October 2013

Concentration key for Potton?

Having seen East Grinstead in action two weekends ago, one thing that stood out when reconsidering their goalkeeping situation, is that concentration is going to be an issue for anyone stepping in between the posts for the team. EG have always been strong going forward and playing in a concise form, playing with a team structure, which means break throughs in through the defence are going to be difficult. And for goalkeepers, having little to do except move around the area and go adrift in their thoughts, is going to be an issue, as it's difficult to keep apace with the action. But if a breakthrough does occur, the opposition will be going to make the most of the scoring opportunity and try and put a goal on through, especially if chances are few and far between.

One of the goals conceded against Beeston which could have been stopped with a different
selection of saving technique and greater alertness.

So when considering goalie performance, I think it's a case of concentration. Without much to do, Potton can struggle because of this, and because EG play so well, with regards to England call ups a change in pace and team play means having to come off his line more or be more active requires two different styles of play for differing roles. And concentration is one of the biggest and possibly often overlooked elite skills for any goalkeeper. If a goalkeeper is to play behind a potentially table topping forward playing team, they need to be able to be alert to the danger and "wake up" and respond to threats as they happen, rather than working into a rhythm through quantity of shots faced.

A goalkeeper with a reduced workload can often struggle with this, so it's something to be worked on off and on the pitch. Rather than a specific technique related to the act of save making, it is a case of the brain working and the goalie "being on the zone" even when the ball is nowhere near their D. Psychology can be considered a technical aspect of the game, even if it is just not as apparent, but still just as important. And for Potton to really push himself, I think it's more a case of staying alert for when he does need to be called on, as the key link in the chain.

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