Friday, 22 March 2013

Alternate TK strapping set-up

Interesting (or maybe not!) equipment related sighting of a different approach to strapping for TK pads. Some goalkeepers mention they're not fond of the TK system, especially with the number of straps on the Soft range but I found the 'normal' gx1 pads to be good fitting and to have a suitable strength when strapping. Have seen a new approach with goalkeepers taking the strap out and extending it around the face of the pad rather than through the holes to get extra tightness and tensile approach to the strapping to get them held tight against the leg, as seen here with Isca's starter:

On closer inspection, you can see the straps are Obo. A lot of goalkeepers do swear by the Obo straps and some goalies switch them for the TK straps for a tighter fit as mentioned.

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