Monday, 25 February 2013

Sushant Tirkey in unmarked kit

As the confusing roundabout switcheroo of India's goalkeeping ranks continues, Tirkey has been noticeably wearing a seemingly unbranded foam kit. And was also part of the India hockey league which just finished recently (wearing said kit). Not sure what brand it is and presume it is a domestic company. Did spot a company producing in India a while back but can't remember the name. Would be interesting if they did develop a local brand to help out the Asian and home market etc. akin to Mercian or Monarch in the UK.

The Indian companies are producing but not to the like of the pads here's wearing:

Would wonder if it is really capable of standing up to international shots on a regular basis as there are some less than brilliant kits out there that are to be honest a little dangerous for certain levels. Could be wrong, but I would hope he's good to go in the pads!

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